This was a difficult year, in which doctors had to step forward to fight an invisible and tenacious enemy.
There are many doctors -and very good ones- among our alumni. Some of them are father and son, and with the same specialty. And that was what we sought with this recognition: to value two good people, two excellent doctors, recognized in their professional community, two very special and loved people.
Miguel is litter 58 and Maiko, his son, litter 83. Men of conviction, of deep faith and love for their family and their vocation. This year, in addition, celebrating 65 years of the Alumni Association, we proposed that the award have a new name, "Viriliter Age", which is the motto of the Association. "Act manfully" would be its translation into English, or "work like a good man" in Spanish.
Miguel and Maiko both embody the "Viriliter Age". For this reason, for the first time in 65 years of Association, we awarded two alumni as distinguished: father and son. For that, and because they deserve it.
Congratulations, Miguel and Maiko!
Compartiendo la pasión del campo
Miguel siente un enorme amor por su familia, empezando por su mujer, sus hijos, nieto y bisnieto
Dos exalumnos distinguidos en una misma imagen: Maiko (segundo de la izquierda) y Miguel (último de la derecha)
Su pasión por Newman viene desde chico
Mucho antes de ser elegidos exalumnos distinguidos, juntos, por primera vez en la historia de la Asociación