This recognition is for a fighter, a spirit incapable of giving up in the face of life's difficulties.
Being very young he suffered an accident that left him in a wheelchair, which he incorporated into his life as "something else", and not an impediment. He played tennis, soccer with friends, he was able to ski. Jorge Triaca, litter 1991, was -always- an example of improvement, of always going forward.
Perhaps the best example of that famous phrase by Mahatma Gandhi - "be yourself the change you want to see in the world" - Jorge got involved in politics until he became one of the most admired officials of President Mauricio Macri.
Family man, unconditional friend, Jorge is a man who inspires, a man deeply committed to his values, his family, his friends and, above all, his country.
Un agradecido a su familia, a su padre como referente de lucha y valores.
Un padre siempre presente, con una fe que transmite a sus hijas.
Un agradecido a su camada, a sus amigos, que han hecho de él un referente de superación, para que él tome a cada uno de ellos como referente de amistad.